
Team Spotlight: Amanda Nelson


Who are the members of your family?

My husband Dalton and baby boy Eli (born March 2022)

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Silicon Valley?

I was born in southern CA and moved to the Denver area when I was 12. I went to school and met my husband in Utah. We have lived in San Jose since August 2021.

How did you find FIT4MOM Sunnyvale-Mountain View?

One of my favorite Instagram moms attends a Fit4Mom class in Texas and posts about them often. It piqued my interest, and when I found this location, I immediately followed the Instagram account and kept close tabs. I was pregnant at the time, and my plan was to join once my baby was around 8 weeks old.

What is the BEST thing about being a member of the FIT4MOM team?

I love having a community of mom friends who are experiencing the same stage of life as me. We are all so supportive and encouraging of each other, and the other Fit4Mom women help me find so much joy in such a new and sometimes challenging time of life.

What is your WHY? Why do you keep doing what you do?

I think it is so important to take care of yourself, and I have found that I always feel better after I exercise or spend time outside. When I feel better, I am also a better mom and wife, so it is so worth it to find ways to squeeze in self-care.

What is one of your current wellness goals?

Right now, I am working on feeling stronger and healthier, however that may look for my body. I really struggled to be active during my pregnancy and lost some muscle and strength that I would like to recover and improve.

Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?

I love to sing but rarely do!

What is your most used item for your workouts?

I love my SheFit sports bra. It is truly life changing!! I don’t think I could ever use another sports bra again.

Anything else you'd like Our Mama tribe to know?

I am an open book and love to learn from other people and share experiences. I’m looking forward to hopefully getting to know other mamas in our village on a deeper friendship level!
