


Who are the members of your family?

My husband Phil and baby boy David (born February 2022)

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Silicon Valley?

I grew up in Los Angeles, CA. In July 2018, I moved to the Bay area when I married my wonderful and amazing husband.

How did you find FIT4MOM Sunnyvale-Mountain View?

Being fairly new to the Bay area, I was searching for a mommy exercise group to join. I had stumbled across a Fit4Mom post by Rachel & I decided to try out a class. I have been hooked ever since & Fit4Moms was exactly what I was looking for.

What is the BEST thing about being a member of the FIT4MOM village?

I love the positivity and support amongst the moms in the Fit4mom group. Being a first-time mom, I love that we can share tips, tricks, and laugh at only things moms understand. I cherish the one on one time that I get spend with my son while working out, and at the same time meet some wonderful and encouraging moms.

What is your WHY? Why do you keep doing what you do?

I love starting my day off with some sort of exercise. I find that exercise makes me happy and makes me a stronger person on the inside and out.

What is one of your current wellness goals?

I am embracing my new “mom bod” by trying to find creative ways to incorporate daily workouts with my son. I am working on becoming stronger and healthier through my mind and body.

Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?

I love to dance hula and have been dancing since I was 5 years old.

What is your most used item for your workouts?

I love wearing hats. Being a new mom, I’m always rushing out the door & love that I can cover up my messy hair protect my skin from the sun.

Anything else you'd like Our Mama tribe to know?

I love to learn from others and also love to share experiences. I’m looking forward to making memorable friendships through Fit4mom.