5 Tips for Bigger Kids at Stroller Strides over the Summer!.gif

5 Tips for Bigger Kids at Stroller Strides over the Summer!

It's summertime, which means we are starting to see those big kids back in class and at playdates. We love seeing our school-aged kiddos! Here are 5 tips for easing them back into your Stroller Strides routine.

1. Too big for the stroller? Grab a seat!

If they are too big for the stroller, we recommend bringing a folding chair or mat to bring along so they can sit NEXT to the stroller during stations and WALK in between stations holding a hand or onto your stroller. For safety, kids cannot be walking around during our cardio & strength stations. The last thing we want is for a kiddo to get injured by a resistance band or a burpee to the face.

2. Pick a special "Stroller only" toy.

Is there a specfiic toy or object your chlild LOVES to play with? Try

designating some "stroller only" toys or creating a "Stroller Strides toy bag" for special toys they can look forward to. A little screentime to get through class won't hurt either :)

3. Snacks, snacks, and more snacks.

When my kids were younger, I used to try to hold off breakfast until Stroller Strides time. I packed their food and they ate during class. Even if they already had breakfast, I would still pack snacks to help distract them during class.

4. Stroller Swap*

Kids fussy during class? Try swapping strollers so kids get a change of pace (you know they always save their best whining for mom!). Trade strollers or trade kids so they're sitting in a new stroller or next to a friend in a double stroller - don't forget to switch back after class :)

*This suggestion is of course based on your comfort level seeing as how Covid is still rampant. During the current climate, please make sure this is discussed ahead of time and both moms are comfortable with it.

5. Ditch the Mom Guilt

Mom guilt is a thing, ya'll. Give yourself some grace and don't feel guilty about taking an hour to focus on YOU. Your child likely has your attention for the majority of the day outside of Stroller Strides, it's okay for them to fuss a little or even have a little screentime if that's what it takes to get through your workout. No judgment here, mama. You are amazing!

It Takes a Village

It takes a village to raise these kids, mama! We are so grateful to have you in ours. If you're struggling, having a bad morning, going to be late... still come to class! We promise it will be worth it. Didn't finish your workout one day? Hey, at least you made it out of the house! Sometimes, just making it out of the house for some adult interaction is an accomplishment. If you need help with your child in class (or see another mom who needs help) then ask or offer the help! Mommin' ain't easy and we are all in this together - we got your back, mama. See you at a class soon!

Haven't been to a class yet? First class is FREE.