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FIT4BABY Sneak Peak

Question: Can I exercise while I am pregnant?

Answer: Absolutely! In fact, regular movement has been proven to benefit you and your baby in these key ways: Reduces back pain, eases constipation, may decrease your risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and labor interventions, promotes healthy weight gain during pregnancy, improves your overall general fitness, and strengthens your heart and blood vessels.

Whether you are a first time mom-to-be or have one or more children already, our FIT4MOM classes and programs are for you! In fact, we have a dedicated 6-week program created with you in mind - Meet FIT4BABY.

All FIT4BABY exercises are carefully selected to prepare your body for the many changes you will experience during pregnancy. You can begin this 6-week program at any point during pregnancy, as the workouts are scientifically- based, purposeful, and designed to accommodate your changing body. The 60 minute long safe and effective total-body workout includes cardio endurance, strength conditioning, core balance, flexibility training and birth prep exercises appropriate for every stage of pregnancy.

The 6-week FIT4BABY session includes:

  • Once a week 60 minute community-based workouts in-person on Wednesday evenings in a small group format.

  • A weekly group chat to discuss pregnancy, postpartum, and parenthood.

  • A weekly Bump Book Journal to document your fitness and pregnancy journey.

  • Weekly focus themes, at-home challenges, conversations & tips.

Will we see you there? Space is limited so reach out to soon to secure your spot!