Interview with a Stroller Strides Big Kid.jpeg

Interview with a Stroller Strides Big Kid

This blog post is (mostly) word for word from an interview on 9/12/22, and transcribed by Mom (Rachel Kitt). Clarifications have been added in italics.

Hi guys, my name is Charlotte. I’m going to tell you a little bit about Stroller Strides.

It’s totally safe for your kids (please keep them buckled the entire class). You can join when your baby is at least 6 weeks old (after your doctor has given you permission to resume exercise, 8 weeks if you have a c-section). Your kids will be happy in their stroller. There are playgroups after class (on Wednesdays!), and you can join (try a free class) anytime.

Some of the best things are, you get to workout, your baby gets to be in a stroller, and you can help your baby whenever your baby needs help during class. The baby will sometimes cry. It’s totally fine if you go and help your baby.

My mom (the instructor) will ask you if the band is too hard or too easy for you. And my mom will ask you on your first day if you have any injuries. Oh, and the first class is free. The songs during class, your kids will love. You can sing along if you want. Your kids will love if you sing along. There will be bubbles. Most classes there are bubbles. If anything is too hard for you, my mom (the instructor) will tell you what to do (how to modify) if it’s too hard. And if it’s too easy, my mom will just put you on a harder level. My mom will help you.

You should tell everyone in the neighborhood about this. If your friend already comes to class, you can talk to your friends during Stroller Strides. That’s the best part.

The last thing I want to say is, thank you to everyone who has joined. I hope you will join too. Click on this link to watch videos of class. Bye!



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