

We know that naps are important for our little ones, and we also know that getting out of the house is important for moms' health. So how do we do both!? Read on...

Dr. Sarah Mitchell of Helping Babies Sleep shares her favorite tips to help moms escape the dreaded nap trap, and instead, free up time with naps on the go in her blog "Naps on the Go: How to Make a Good Nap Happen for your Baby"

Some of our favorite points from the blog included...

- Mindset is key - don't worry about "perfect" naps, some sleep is better than no sleep!

- Studies don't prove car/stroller naps are worse. Some sleep is always better than none.

- Getting baby to nap out of the home allows moms freedom, self-care, and mood boosts. With practice, babies and moms become pros at happy naps on-the-go!

... but don't just take it from us. Head over to the blog for more detailed info!

We can't wait to see you and your snoozing little ones in class soon!


Rachel and the FIT4MOM SV team