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Owner Spotlight: Rachel Kitt

Who are the members of your family?

Husband Tim, daughters Abigail (9) and Charlotte (almost 7)

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in Silicon Valley?

I was born and raised in Los Altos and then moved back to the area a year into the pandemic. We wanted to raise our kids closer to their grandparents!

How did you find FIT4MOM Sunnyvale-Mountain View?

I was a client of FIT4MOM San Diego when my oldest daughter was 14 months old. I fell in love with the classes and the village. I became an instructor there when my youngest was a year old. When we decided to move back to the Bay Area, I immediately started researching local franchises!

Where and what do you typically teach?

I teach Stroller Strides every MWF at Cuesta Park. I'm certified in all 8 of the FIT4MOM programs and can't wait to bring more of these unique classes to this franchise!

Tell us your story about how/why you became an instructor for Fit4Mom.

I was ready to start working again when my youngest was one but I knew I didn't want to go back to an office. Teaching Stroller Strides seemed like the perfect win-win!

What is your favorite thing to teach?

Stroller Strides has always been my bread and butter. I love singing to the babies and blowing bubbles and I also LOVE connecting with mamas. Especially since my girls are a little older, I enjoy getting to offer support to newer mamas.

What is the BEST thing about being an instructor?

Connecting mamas to each other! Fitness and exercise are super important, but the village aspect of FIT4MOM is key.

What is your WHY? Why do you keep doing what you do?

I love providing a safe and non-judgmental place for mamas to get outside, get social, and move their bodies. FIT4MOM legit saved my life and gave me some of my closest mama friends. It got me through post party-anxiety. I want to give back and help others.

What is one of your current wellness goals?

I'm still recovering from a herniated disc in the summer of 2021. I want to get back into half-marathon training, but high impact activity like running is still painful. I'm trying to take my own advice and go slow.

Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?

I'm a baby whisperer (just not for my own kids!)

What is your most used item for your workouts?

Water bottle! Gotta stay hydrated!

Anything else you'd like Our Mama tribe to know?

If no one has told you yet today, you are doing AWESOME!